Hospitality House
805 Van Raalte SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49509
616 241-5220
Get Involved
We believe that your involvement with TPH is not by accident. The Potter’s House is a place where people like you unite as one, and through God’s Spirit, have done what appeared impossible. Your willingness to give of your time and resources make it possible for The Potter’s House to exist. We are grateful for all you have done and continue to do. You have been a conduit of God’s blessing upon The Potter’s House. Thank YOU!
80% of The Potter's House budget is met through donations. 56% of that comes from individual donors; we need you.
Hundreds of volunteers serve each year. This allows our per student cost to be much lower than surrounding schools.
Prayer Team
The Potter's House has been fueled by a committed group of prayer warriors since the very beginning. Join the SHIELD.
Partners connect with students in The Potter’s House Partner Program and they bridge financial gaps for TPH families.
Cheryl Prindle
Grades K-8 Teacher English Language Learners
Shawn Beene
Student and Community Liaison
David Kong
Wonder Academy Teacher | Grades 6/7 Science
Angela Bailard
High School Registrar | Guidance Office Secretary
Amanda Rodriguez
RPC Main Office Receptionist | Secretary
Shelby Beukema
Grade 2 Teacher
Randy Helm
Director of Finance
April Deur
PK-8 Dean
Andrea Green
MS Language Arts | Social Studies Teacher
Gabriela DeWeerd
Kindergarten Teacher
Sam Hofman
MS Bible | Math Teacher
Laura Madrigal
High School Receptionist | Secretary
Christian Altena
High School Social Studies Teacher
Lynn Stob
High School Math Teacher
Malena Gustafson
Grades K-8 Art Teacher
Anna Kurtz
Grades K-8 Music Teacher
Rachael Plantinga
Grades 2-6 Strings Teacher
Robert Trice
High School Bible Teacher
Kara Cole
Choir Director
Daniel Huan
Grades 4/5 Teacher
Jen VanDorp
Grades 4/5 Co-Teacher
Ann Isaacson
Grades 6-12 Band Director
Matt Palmieri
High School Band Director
Delaney Fox
High School PE Teacher
Julie Baylor
Grades K-5 Educational Support Specialist
Neomi Escabi-Johnson
Morning Program Coordinator
Samantha Clark
Middle School English Language Learner Teacher
Brad Cain
Fine Arts Director
Marissa Davies
Grades 4-8 Secretary
Jill DeJager
Transportation Supervisor
Jessica Baker
Grades 4/5 Teacher
Kaley Beckett
Lead Preschool Teacher
Mallory Almonte
High School Guidance Counselor
Meghan Taylor
Grade 1 Teacher
Stephanie Kroll
Young 5 Teacher
Stephanie DeCou
High School Education Specialist Teacher
Betsy Scott
High School English Teacher
Syun Hyung Lee
Preschool Paraprofessional
Joanna Mangione
High School Educational Specialist
Lisa Struck-VanderHaak
Grades K-3 Paraprofessional | Instructional Aid
Rosie Taylor
Kindergarten Teacher
Evan Post
Middle School Discipleship | Substitute Teacher
Mali Korc
EL Paraprofessional | Instructional Aide
Kristopher Koster
High School Bible Teacher
Becky Ophoff
High School English | English Language Learner Teacher
Jackie Frens
K-8 Robotics Teacher
Lucero Awator
High School Student Life Coordinator | Science Teacher
Alf Clark
High School Principal
Phil Cole
High School Teacher Bible | Spanish
Curtis DePree
International Program Coordinator
Noelle Gable
High School Administrative Assistant
Emily Harrison
High School Paraprofessional
Alicia Hyma
Grades K-8 Title 1 Teacher
Celena Delgado
Preschool Teacher
Melissa Leaman
Grades 4/5 Teacher
Melany Nyahoda
Preschool Paraprofessional
Colleen Hill
High School Guidance Counselor
Jayne Ver Beek
Grades 4-8 Secretary
Sarah Lang
High School Art Teacher
Kevin Kuipers
High School Assistant Principal
Nanette Leegwater
High School English Language Learners Teacher
Carla Rich
Enrollment | Student Data Management Systems Coordinator
Sara Sisco
High School Teacher English | Civics
Karen Bobo
Partner Program Coordinator
Molly Guzniczak
K/1 Paraprofessional
Anna Veldman
High School Teacher English | Social Studies
Keith Ver Beek
High School Science Teacher
Michele Williamson
High School Math Teacher
Azalia Sanchez
Elementary | Middle School Administrative Assistant
Sandy Gardner
Personnel/Payroll and Accounts Receivable Manager
Terry Faber
Technology Director
Carla Ackerman
Middle School Educational Specialist
Cheri Beals
Executive Assistant
Randy Basinger
K-8 Teacher P.E. | Wednesday Program Director
Wilson Calvas
High School Spanish Teacher
Jill DenBraber
Grades 6/7 Teacher Language Arts
Sarah Veenstra
Grades K-8 Spanish Teacher
Tricia Figueroa
Middle School Title 1 | Robotics Coach
James Bailard
High School Science Teacher
Ronda Gauger
K-8 Teacher Title 1 | English Language Learners
Gabby Visser
Grade 3 Teacher
Rebekah LaPlaca
Grades 2/3 Teacher
Micah Hoeksema
High School Teacher Math | Language Arts
Victor Lynde
Grade 8 Teacher Language Arts | Social Studies
Luanne Hoekzema
Middle School Academic Interventionist
Mark Ponstine
Elementary School Principal
Mandy Baker
Grades K-1 Academic Interventionist
Eric Gilkes
IT Assistant
Courtney Ilbrink
High School Math Teacher
Jayne Boerman
EL Math Teacher | Academic Interventionist
Elizabeth Brumels
EL/MS English Language Learners Teacher
Aubree Hofman
Middle School Dean of Students
Charisse Carrillo
Food Service Coordinator
Kathy DeJong
Wonder Academy Director, Teacher
Maria-Elena Pimentel
Pre-Kindergarten Paraprofessional
Maria Johnson
Elementary Paraprofessional | 4/5 Discipleship
Christina Rodriguez
Volunteer Coordinator
Brent Seinen
Grades K-7 Science Teacher
Tony Troeger
Grades 6/7 Teacher Math | Bible
Jeanne Smith
Grades 2-5 Education Specialist
Brenda Riegler
Grades 1 Teacher
Mark Van Zanten
Founding Teacher
Jake Hoogstrate
Middle School Principal
Clae Sensenig
JV Girls BBall