Jori Orr – High School English Jori Orr grew up in Illinois, attending Christian schools her whole life. She fondly remembers how her high school teachers poured into her life, both academically and spiritually. The experience inspired her to become a teacher herself—particularly in a school centered on Christ—so she could bless students the way […]
The Dream For years, TPH middle school teacher Eunsub Cho has wrestled with a provocative question: What would it look like to teach science through the lens of wonder? “Wonder is a word that was big in my journey as a science teacher,” Cho shared. “It’s a way of coming to see what science is, […]
HOW GOSPEL MUSIC HELPED A GROUP OF POTTER’S HOUSE STUDENTS OF DIVERSE BACKGROUNDS AND PERSONALITIES FIND HOPE AND BELONGING. On May 2, 2019, the eleven members of The Potter’s House High School Gospel Choir walked onto the stage of the J.W. Marriott ballroom, and led hundreds of attendees of the annual TPH Banquet in […]
From May 6-10, the 8th-grade class spent an unforgettable week in Washington, D.C., learning about the history of our country and institutions that make up our democracy. But this was not merely a sightseeing trip. It was a week-long intensive course on Christian leadership and discernment. Superintendent John Booy challenged the students to reflect deeply […]
April-June 2019 Prayer Calendar
January to March Prayer Calendar